There is an easier way around all the often complicated rules and headaches of getting married abroad, and that is to have your legal wedding at the Register office in the UK for £50 before you go, and then just have a wedding celebration ceremony in your country of choice. This method is becoming more and more popular with couples and also avoids problems if ever you need to get copies of your wedding certificates. It also avoids turning up in a foreign country and discovering they require something you don’t have with you at the last minute. There is a law in the UK where you cannot get married to the same person twice. If you did, it would make one of the weddings null and void which is why when you choose this option, the wedding abroad is just a ceremony and anyone can perform it for you. You can ask a friend or family member to perform the ceremony, or hire a celebrant abroad or wedding planner. The legal part has already taken place in the Town Hall in the country of your choice, or at the Register Office back home in the UK. See Bride Buddy’s Personal Ceremonies page and Marrying Abroad for more information on how to do this.

Of course one of the great advantages of this is that your wedding celebration can be whatever you would like it to be. There are no rules to restrict your ceremony and special day. The ceremony itself has no legal status so it can say whatever you want. Depending on who you ask to perform the ceremony for you, they may want to include a few words about how they feel about you both, you can be as free as you like regarding the text, music, readings etc. You can personalise the ceremony to reflect your personalities and make your day special with a unique ceremony, written just for you. There are so many ways of adding to the ceremony with lots of different wedding customs such as handfasting, exchanging honey, flower crowns, the list is endless. Check the link to Great Officiants to see just how many different possibilities there are. As well as this page, check out their page Ceremony Samples to see just how much fun it can be. If you want help with a personal ceremony, don't forget to get in touch and read our blog on 'How to Conduct a Ceremony' for some great advice and tips for whoever will be performing your ceremony.
Here I am about to perform a personal ceremony in Kefalonia, Greece!